That’s my cup
of tea!How to choose the perfect frame
Enhance your face
thanks to a perfect frame?
Look at the shape of your face and read our tips,
it's all a matter of balance!
There are 5 main face geometries
and remember the secret is
to choose frames
that have the opposite shape
of your lines.
Let's find out
which ones suit you best
Round Faces
This type of face is characterized by its rounded shape and a broad forehead. The frames that give harmony to those ones are made with thick and bold temples and a square or rectangular shape. The contrast this kind of frames creates, gives the face a more elongated shape and a perfect balance. Regarding the choice of color, if we have a fair complexion, colors that do not make our face disappear behind the frames are strongly recommended, such as amber, yellow, or crystal. If, on the other hand, we have a dark olive complexion, we should opt for colors that hold up the contrast, so you have no limits.
Square Faces
Faces shaped like this are characterized by chin, jaw, and forehead very pronounced, with high and protruding cheekbones and eyes are usually very wide apart. The recommended frames for this type of face are the thinnest ones, with medium-small size lenses that do not cover the face strength, such as the cheekbones! Shapes suggested so, are the ones with no angles (round or oval) that do not weigh down high edged faces. Frames to avoid are the squared ones, which usually highlight the rigid and angular shape of the face. But, on the other hand, those with rounded lower corners should not be excluded even if light colors and thin frames are preferred.
Oval Faces
This type of face is characterized by its proportion, harmony, and balance. It is featured by lightly marked profiles such as chin and high cheeks. With this face, any type of eyewear is an excellent choice, just don't choose too thin frames that do not enhance the face and make it stretched too.
Heart Faces
The shape of the heart provides the name to this kind of faces, which has a broad forehead that shrinks as you go down to the very pointed chin. Characterized by soft and elusive shapes, the ideal frames for it are round or oval as well as butterfly or cat-eye which thanks to their typical shape give a pleasant harmony to the whole face. Frames profiles must be blurred and soft and not too dark shaded.
Diamond Faces
It is a mix between a heart and an oval face. The recommended shape, as for the heart-shaped ones, is the cat-eye for females, while for males, aviator is the suggested one. Concerning the thickness and color on a diamond face, all types of thickness, starting from the thinnest up to the bolder, look appropriate.